Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Christmas Miracle



I have/had another blog post planned for today.




Nap time and bed time have been a STRUGGLE lately.

Monday? Naptime took 3 hours. THREE. To get down for a two hour nap. Kill me.

She was initially so good with the big girl bed thing, and then, then she really realized she could GET OUT of bed. Oy.

But last night? Picture perfect.

And just now? Friends. I am in shock and disbelief.


We were upstairs, doing our normal making beds, picking up, pre-nap time stuff.

Then I said, "Okay baby girl, how about a nap?"

She looked at me, raised her eyebrows and said, "Nap?"

The she looked into the hallway, walked right by me into her room and crawled into her bed.

Then she laid down, I read her favorite Spot book, gave her a kiss and walked out.

And she went to sleep.

In five minutes.

Just like she used to do in her crib! ACK!



KNOCK ON A THOUSAND WOOD THINGS RIGHT.NOW so I am not royally screwed for sharing this with y'all.

I legit did silent a happy dance outside her room that may have included the cabbage patch.

Imagine that for a second please, a 31 week pregnant woman doing the cabbage patch.

And the running man.

And all the other cheesy dance moves I could muster.

Phew. Now I am on to conquer all my nap time tasks that haven't been done in a week.

Evelyn Rae is 17 months old, I am 31 weeks along with Baby Bump

...and considering the tearful breakdown at nap time I had two days ago, I am so legitimately thankful for today. Please, please, please let this be bed time getting back to normal.

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